Monday, September 8, 2008

Life in the library

Sometimes being a librarian is boring. Today there are people trickling in, but no hordes of people like there are some days. The phone hasn't even rung today.

The one bring spot of the day, I have new books to check in. YEAH! That is one of the best parts of this job, unpacking a box of new books. Sometimes they look a little different than I think they will. Sometimes they are thicker, sometimes it's a paperback, when I didn't notice it before I ordered it.

I did get a little computer maintenance done on computers 1 and 2. That's a constant job,updating,checking for spyware,deleting stuff off that is not supposed to be there at all. Some of the these don't have security on them and I have to really watch that games etc., don't get installed on those. Yes, Iknow we could buy security for them, but there are problems with that too. I don't mind checking to see what has been put on them.

People, I have people. YEAH! Got to go!!!!!

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