Monday, December 15, 2008

Life in the Library 2.0

I really like some of these ideas. I have no training in Library Science. My degree is in Education, but I have always been a library lover/user. My perspective is probably a little different than someone who studied librarianship. I like what Michael Stephens had to say. His ideas are to the point, very commonsense. His wiring is down to earth and easy to understand. I copied and pasted his main ideas here.
1.Harness the library user in both design and implementation of services
2.Library users should be able to craft and modify library provided services
3.Harvest and integrate ideas and products from peripheral fields into library service models
4.Continue to examine and improve services and be willing to replace them at any time with newer and better service. I wish I could have persuaded a couple of board members to take this class. There is still at least one who only reluctantly accepts computers. These ideas would blow her away.

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